January 28, 2021

As technology advances, cyber hackers are figuring out new and innovative ways to up their game.

The Covid-19 pandemic served as a fertile ground for an increase in cyber-attacks. As published by Dzone, a recent report by Cisco indicates that approximately 53% of SMB’s suffered from a data breach during 2020. As technology is expected to advance and grow, so are the cyber threats. 

The cloud computing market is expected to grow as cloud services are becoming dominant among organizations. See below for a list of the top five cyber threats to the cloud market expected in 2021:

  1. Cloud security issues

As more and more businesses integrate their work with the cloud, they expose themselves to cloud-related risks. According to a Sophos report from 2020, a major cloud risk that can lead to a data breach is misconfigurations. As per Trend Macro, an additional potential attack vector against cloud services is code injection attacks, normally carried out through third-parties.

  1. Phishing attacks

One of the more common attack vectors for stealing credentials is phishing attacks. Over 78% of the identified data breaching incidents in 2019 were related to phishing and this number increased in 2020.

  1. API-related breaches

The API (application program interface) is a security application, which due to its nature of being largely open to the public and not very up-to-speed with security trends, gives rise to API-based breaches focusing on high-profile messaging apps, financial processes, and social media.

  1. Human-operated ransomware

Approximately 24% of current cyberattacks occur via ransomware. While the current main attack vectors of ransomware are automated programs (exploit kits); social media phishing and email phishing, cyber attackers are constantly on the lookout for new and innovative ways to lure unsuspecting victims.

  1. Administrative tools

The use of administrative tools by cyber criminals accounts for over 50% of their attack leverage; using administrative tools, cybercriminals use management tools and system administration tools to breach the network of companies. 2021 is expected to see many more attacks of this sort as IT systems grow to become more interconnected.

How to prevent cloud security threats?

Read more here

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